2. Ate a traditional meal prepared by the family of a friend I met in India, after being invited into their home

3. Drank a Guinness at a pub in Ireland
4. Ran my second Flying Pig Marathon (this time 13.1 miles with my best friend Alyse Zook)
5. Finished my undergraduate classes, started rotations as a dietetic intern, and applied for graduation!
6. Went on my first date (and not to mention a blind date!)
7. Spent countless hours as a Building Supervisor at the Rec Center
8. Played against a retired WNBA player who leads women's basketball in scoring (Katie Smith)
9. Lots and lots of babysitting
10. Watched my brother graduate from High School
11. Celebrated the marriage of Robin and Jordan Kiphart
12. Went to Michelle Geygan's bachelorette party to yet again celebrate one of my friends getting married!
13. Said "yes" to being a bridesmaid in Alyse Zook and Matt DeLange's wedding!