Friday, January 18, 2013

Choosing to move forward into 2013

I’m not going to lie, this blog post was supposed to be something completely different. I sat down a few days ago, excited and anxious to write about my awesome Christmas break. With the start of 2013 I wanted to start documenting my attempt at Living Loved again; my attempt at describing how my relationship with the Lord during college is shaping who I am becoming. I had a whole list of commitments that I had made for 2013 (I don’t like the term “New Years Resolution” so I’m determined not to use it) and I was excited to share those with you. Among the list were things like starting a budget, completing the 2013 Flying Pig Marathon, traveling overseas this summer, and starting my dietetic internship. Exciting stuff, isn’t it?

But once again, to be completely honest, these first two weeks back in classes haven’t been so great. I’m not exactly feeling those same emotions of happiness and excitement, but instead I’m experiencing sadness, hurt, and confusion. In the midst of these feelings, I still have so many things to be thankful for, and so many fun and exciting things going on in my life. I wanted to make sure to tell you that too, because I truly am so blessed with my family, friends, and coworkers and I’m already having such a blast this semester!

Today, I am simply continuing to take steps forward. Despite tragedy that has hit the UC community, despite the ugliness of sin that surrounds a situation at my church back home, and despite the sad news I heard about one of my heroes with Team in Training this morning, I recognize that I still must choose to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward. Today, I am choosing to keep running, to keep working, to keep serving the Lord, and to keep loving. I’m going to keep running with Team in Training for those individuals who have battled and are battling leukemia and lymphoma. I’m going to keep working at the Rec, this incredible place that I call my second home, prepared and ready to respond to emergencies if I need to. I’m going to continue serving the Lord, sharing and showing my faith despite the sinful and broken world that tries to cover up the hope that is extended to everyone through Jesus. And I’m going to continue to pray and love, relentlessly.

If we aren’t careful, we can easily start to believe that God changes. Because of the tragedy and difficult times that we experience, we can start to think that God has changed too, and we begin to believe that He is just a little bit less caring than he was yesterday.

Today, I am choosing to confidently believe that God does not change in his person, promises, or purposes. His character is constant, His promises of life and hope are offered and upheld every single day, and His purpose of pursing us and loving us continuously will never change.

My challenge to you is to keep moving forward no matter how hard the circumstances may be. I even invite you to walk with me and to put your hope in Jesus.

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